A downloadable game for Windows

Just like how in Disney Pixar’s ‘Inside Out’ asks you the question: “have you ever wondered what’s going on in someone’s head?”, we pose a similar question to the gaming world: “what’s going on behind a game?” Final Meteor starts out as a typical looking student game, however, the game is flipped on its head when it seemingly crashes. You, the player, are then assigned to play as a piece of code, traversing through text editor and buggy error hell in order to restore Final Meteor… from ‘inside, out’. Start from just a single still pixel in a notepad editor, working your way up to a graphic that can run, jump, dash, and shoot may all seem daunting, but this game needs fixing!


Fix me.zip 63 MB

Install instructions

1. Download the zip file
2. Unzip the file
3. Play the unity project and have fun!